Trust Your Gut

If you have come to a fork in the road between two choices, feel into them.
One choice may keep you in your comfort and safety zone, but may make you feel trapped, fearful, anxious, and oppressed.
The other choice may make you feel afraid of the unknown and out of your comfort zone, while at the same time excited and in your gut, feels right. It will require a leap of faith. It may feel like too much trouble and require more effort. What does your heart, soul, and gut say? Trust and follow that. It is the road to Victory, accomplishment, and signifies one cycle is ending, while a brand new one is beginning. Be open to change and Trust your heart and gut. New doors will open and all you need will be provided. You can do it! If you are lacking confidence, call upon Archangel Michael to raise your confidence, strength, courage, faith, trust, and vibration in love.

Persevere And Stay The Course – Star West ★


Your plans may not be unfolding in the way you had originally planned. Perhaps Heaven has a better plan. Your plan may need revisions or maybe the timing has not been quite right. If you have received a new idea or inspiration follow that. You are here to do amazing things and think bigger. If your self confidence has been holding you back, now is the time to believe in yourself and follow your highest dreams and passions. Persevere and keep going. Stay open and say yes to new opportunities coming your way that will lead you to something better and bigger than you previously imagined. All the work, efforts, and seeds you have planted are about to blossom. Stay the course. Take some time out to celebrate all you have done thus far and the progress you have made on all levels. Do something fun that nourishes your soul. We are in a time of great transformation, and nothing will ever be the same. It will be greater than anything we could have possibly imagined. Trust that.

Create And Step Into Your Mastery – Star West ★


You are a natural counselor and people come to you to seek out your wise, loving, compassionate counsel. This is an important part of your life purpose and career path, one in which your words are a healing modality. Step into your rightful place as a Master and Leader. Cast aside your self doubts. There is no need to wait until you are “perfect” to begin. After all, it is not you who heals, it is your Higher and Divine self channeling through you. To assist with this process, it is essential to express yourself through a creative outlet. Creative expression allows you to connect with God and the Angels at a very high frequency. It helps you remove any blocks that are keeping you stuck, especially perfectionism. Create for the sheer pleasure. Choose whatever medium makes your soul sing. It matters not that you do it well or even share it with others, but that you do it without delay.

Follow The Call Of Your Soul – Star West ★


Respect your inner voice as the powerful life force that connects you to the Divine. What is it guiding you to do? Are there changes you’ve wanted to make for a long time? It is now safe and time to move forward and make those changes. If you’re not sure what you want, journal your feelings to get in touch with what you really want. What are your dreams? Could you be willing to believe that everything you need will be provided for you each step of the way? We are there and it is time.


Honor Your Soul And Your Path – Star West ★


You are on a winding path of self evolution that leads to a blessed temple, symbolizing the spiritual destiny your soul has chosen for this lifetime. Everything you are now experiencing is all part of your soul’s process. You are on your karmic path and headed in the right direction. Honor your soul and your path. Call upon all those in the Higher realms who are standing by ready to assist you. Inner strength and unlimited resources flow through you now. Stay focused and listen to your inner guidance for the next step. Take control of your thoughts and your destiny. Speak your truth. The Universe is sending you support and new connections and alliances. All is well and bright.

Trust Your Feelings


Shield and clear your energy! As a sensitive person you easily absorb the negative energies of others and feel things much more intensely than others. Simply ask Heaven and the Angels to surround you with their light for spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental protection, and know that it is done. Trust your own feelings and dreams to guide your career path. Your dreams and desires are clues to your Life Purpose, as your soul calls out to you through your feelings. Your feelings are the physical embodiment of Heaven’s guidance for you. Trust them, even if you don’t understand them or where they are leading you. Take notes on what you receive and act upon your guidance. You are the author of your life. Plan accordingly.

Let Your Words Flow With Love


There is someone ready to lead you to higher knowledge, light, and clarity. She represents the feminine energy. This could be an actual person, a guide or your Higher feminine self. She is guiding you to find your voice and let your wisdom shine.  A relationship and new beginnings are at hand. This could be a romantic or a business partnership or a deepening of an already existing relationship.  Most important is to love and believe in yourself and balance your own femininity and masculinity.  Watch how you speak to yourself. When you start to go into self judgement or criticism, instead tell yourself that you love yourself unconditionally. Before you can love another, you must love yourself. Archangel Gabriel is sending you powerful energy to your throat chakra. He opens you up to truthful expression with yourself and others. Your soul longs for this. Let your words flow with love.

It Is Time To Break Free Of The Illusion – By Star West ★


Expand your thinking and release old fears and self limitations. The 2nd chakra controls creativity and true emotional heart to heart intimacy with others. Open your heart and soul to let love in. Find new creative ways to express yourself. Try something new. You are a creative Being. Let it flow and move through you. Nurture your body. Exercise and move. Try yoga or healing bodywork. If you are a healer, be sure to take time to heal yourself so that you can heal others. Expand your vision and know that there are unlimited possibilities, help, and abundance. It is time to break out of the illusions you have been led to believe.

All Things Are Possible in Partnership With God And The Light Of Your Soul – By Star West ★


New opportunities are coming your way. Stay open and be willing to see from a different viewpoint than you are normally used to. Even if it seems out of reach or not possible, know that it is as long as you are co-creating with God who exists within your soul and Higher Self. Ask for guidance from within. Acknowledge your fears and doubts and then release them. Embrace the transformation that is now occurring within you and the world. As the old paradigm is collapsing and the new one is being formed, it is natural to feel unsure and unsettled. Lovingly release the old ways and let your new life magically unfold into the light of resurrection.

Follow Your Intuition Into the Light – By Star West ★


The more you listen to and follow your Soul and Higher Self through your intuition, the more prosperity you shall have. Open your heart to receive it. It may come in the form of money, but also as ideas, inspiration and opportunities. Surrender your worries to Heaven and move forward towards manifesting your dreams. As your sensitivity has heightened, it is important to let go of harsh situations and people in your life. Perhaps your current job is one of them. The Angels assure you that your personal happiness is the greatest job benefit of all. It is time for you to step into your powerful Divine Light and fulfill your important purpose for being here.

Run With The Unicorns – By Star West ★


You love animals and they love you. They are drawn to your gentle, sensitive soul. Their pure energy and unconditional love lifts your frequency. Be sure to give your own pets extra time, love, healthy food and clean water. If you see an animal in need, find a way to help it. Perhaps you would be happy and good at work involving animals on some level. Follow your inner guidance if you are considering this. Maybe a beloved pet who has crossed over is with you now, sending love from Heaven. Your bond with them is eternal, and you will see them again. They are safe and they are loved. You are extra sensitive to energies right now. Honor your feelings and shield yourself from harsh energies and thoughts. Place a shield of light around you. Visualize the violet flame transmuting and dissolving all lower energies within and around you into love. Exercise more often to take your life to a higher level. It will raise your energy level, inspire your creativity, and help with stress and anxiety. Go outside, breathe deeply, and run with unicorns or whatever animal is around.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Look Beyond The Illusion – By Star West ★


Things are moving in unseen ways. Have faith in Heaven. Have positive thoughts and say positive words. Ask the Angels to give you Faith if yours is wavering. See beyond the illusion and trust that all is truly well and right on time. This is a time to go deeper into your mind, heart, soul, relationships, and situations in your present life. There may be something amazing that you are not seeing. Look again. All is not as it seems. Go beyond the external illusion to uncover the radiance of your own soul and the truth of your Being. As the energies continue to increase, your sensitivity may be heightened as well. It is especially important to shield yourself from negative and harsh energy. Visualize protective light surrounding you. Ask Archangel Michael, the great protector to shield you.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Trust Your Dreams -By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Life Purpose Oracle Cards, Magical Unicorn Oracle Cards, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture, and notice what comes to you. Today’s song is: “May It Be” by Enya. Right click and click open in a new tab to listen while you read the message.

This is a message of trusting your dreams and feelings. Your feelings are the physical embodiment of Heaven’s guidance for you. Your dreams and desires are clues to your life purpose, as your soul calls out to you through the language of feelings. Allow your dreams to guide you to make changes in your life and career path. Reach for the stars and expect the very best. Your trust is the magic that makes wishes come true. Ask God, the Angels, and your Higher Self to help you trust and heal from past disappointments. Release fear and worry, as they block your wishes from coming true. Release the hows and trust that your wishes will come to you in the perfect way at the perfect time. Follow the steps you are given through your intuition. Honor yourself and your intuitive sensitivities, high intelligence, spiritual gifts, and natural leadership abilities. Keep your self-esteem high. Like the unicorn, you are unique and here for a very special purpose that is being revealed to you through your dreams and feelings. Trust them.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Listen To The Call Of Your Soul -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Healing With The Angels, Life Purpose, and Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.  Your True Self, your Higher Self, your Soul is revealing itself to you and through you more and more each day. It is safe to express who you really are. Trust yourself, your feelings, and your dreams to guide you. Your feelings are the sound of your soul calling out to you. Listen. Your dreams and desires are clues to your Life Purpose. Spend time with good friends sharing your feelings, hopes and dreams. Allow others to help you. Be willing to ask for guidance and support from others.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Let Your Soul Take Over And Enjoy The Ride -By Star West ✭


Today’s message comes from Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards, Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, and Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn. Click on the picture to see and notice your first impressions. You are being Divinely guided right now. Trust what you are feeling strongly about from deep within your mind and heart. Trust your gut feelings and your knowingness. Your life purpose involves energy healing. You are a natural and gifted healer. It is time to focus your gifts in a professional direction. You may want to take classes to boost your knowledge and confidence. Most important, though is holding the intention to conduct energy healing sessions as a career. The more you are able to put this out, the more the Universe will bring to you to manifest this into reality. Stay focused and keep your energy and lifestyle on a high level. Loving spiritual help is all around you. Open your heart and surrender control and any limiting patterns, attachments, and clutter. Let your soul take over and enjoy the ride.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Sing Out! By Star West ✭


Today’s message comes from Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn.  Today’s song is “If You Want To Sing Out” by Cat Stevens.  Right click on the link and click open link in a new tab to listen while reading the message.

Allow the truth of your being to be felt and heard!  Speak from the depths of your heart and soul with honesty, clarity, and authenticity. Though this may be difficult, it will bring much healing to you, to others, and to the entire Planet, for what we do affects all. Stand tall and ask Archangel Michael for courage and strength, if need be. It is time for you to step forward into your role as a leader, teacher, and healer. If there is something you have held back, now is the time to say it. If there’s someone you love whom you haven’t told, tell them now. We never know how long people we love will stay in our lives and on the Planet. Communication can heal, free, and transform your life and the lives of others. Sing out!

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Speak Your Truth With Love -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from LIFE PURPOSE Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and notice any intuitive feelings. Enjoy the beautiful song by Annie Lennox.                              -Right click and click open link in new tab to listen while you read the message.

Music opens your soul to receiving Divine guidance so that you can fulfill your Divine Purpose, the reason you are on the Earth now. Music is very healing for you, so be sure to incorporate more of it into your life. Perhaps you are feeling called to pick up an instrument or write a song. Follow your guidance and trust your heart. Speak your truth with love. Your life purpose involves speaking in front of people on some level which will bring healing to many people. This can include teaching, performing, playing music professionally, or motivational speaking. Crystals will also help with your healing work. They magnify energy and light in directed ways. Each crystal has it’s own life force and can be used to heal people, animals, and the planet. Visit a gem shop and see which ones you’re drawn to. It is an excellent time to research their benefits and qualities to enhance your life and healing.

Relax, Release, and Be At Peace -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from the Indigo Angels and Magical Unicorns!  Click on the picture to see each card clearly and notice what thoughts and feelings come up for you.

As an Indigo or highly sensitive person, you may sometimes get caught up in the emotions of a situation and feel stressed and afraid.  It is important to look through and beyond the situation and know that whatever it is, it will pass.  Focus on what’s good in your life right now. Release your situation to Heaven, and ask for resolution and peace.  They are listening.  It is important to take this time and get in touch with what you truly desire in your heart and soul.  This is exciting, because it means you’re very close to what you desire. Release what you don’t want including your fears to Heaven and the Angels.  You will either get your wish or something even better.  You will manifest what you want by forgiving and releasing the past.  You are a powerful person and you will feel it more once you release any blame or anger.  Remember to forgive yourself.  Relax, release, and be at peace.  This too shall pass.

Believe In Yourself, You Are the Strongest of the Strong -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Indigo Angel Oracle Cards. These cards were especially designed for the Indigos, empaths, and highly sensitives among us. There is a great depth of feeling in these cards. They ask to be read with the heart and feeling self to be fully understood. Click on the picture to see each card clearly and pay special attention to whatever thoughts and feelings come to you.

You know what you need to do. The key here is believing and trusting in yourself. Listen to your intuition and your inner guidance. Your soul knows. Listen to it. You have a very special purpose for being alive at this crucial time in Earth’s history.  You are here because you are the strongest of the strong. It is time to know and believe in your own strength and inner power. You are needed now. This is a time to show your Higher self to the world. How you act affects everyone and everything in your life. Treat everyone with compassion, including yourself. Detach, and see the big picture.

You Are on The Right Path To Fulfilling Your Life Purpose -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading is from the Archangel Michael deck. Click on the picture to see more clearly and notice any thoughts or feelings that come to you. Call upon Archangel Michael for protection, cutting attachments to fear and toxic feelings, for courage and confidence, and for clarity and guidance about your life purpose.

Focus on your dreams, passions, and that which makes your soul sing. You are on the right path to fulfilling your life purpose. You may experience a rush of excitement and goosebumps as additional confirmation. The path to making your intentions a reality may differ from your expectations, yet the outcome is likely to exceed your dreams. Stay focused. Detach from distractions and dramas. Be compassionate without taking on other people’s pain. It may be time to leave a toxic relationship or situation. The career and life path you are dreaming about is your life’s purpose. Move forward with confidence and watch how the Universe opens doors for you, one after the other, to walk through. You are meant to be happy and bring joy to others through your work.

Expect The Best -by Star West ✭


Today’s message reading is from the Magical Unicorns deck. Unicorns are angelic helpers. These cards want to make you feel happy, safe, and loved. They want all your wishes to come true. All the cards are positive because all Unicorns are positive.

Yes, if you are reading this you are probably different from most people and may have often felt in the past that you didn’t fit in or belong anywhere. You are now being asked to honor and share your unique and amazing gifts with the world. Follow the voice of your Soul and take whatever actions it guides you to.

Exercise helps you breathe air more deeply, which makes your body feel awake and alive. Breathing air deeply can also spark new ideas and answers to your questions. This card asks you to exercise more often, to take your life to a higher level. Do something physical today, you will be very grateful that you did.

Here’s a secret to a happy life: Expect the best. That’s because Life gives you what you expect. So, if you have fears about the future, your fears may come true. Trust that your wishes will come true (but maybe in a different or better way than you expect). Your trust is the “magic”  that makes wishes happen.  The more trust you have, the better. If you have a hard time trusting and believing,  ask God, the Universe and the Angels to help you trust. They can help you heal from any pain or fears from your past. Don’t worry that you may be disappointed and that your wish may not come true. This worry can block wishes from happening!   So make your wish and then believe it will come true. Ask for your heart’s desires-they’ll come to you at the perfect time, in the perfect way. You don’t need to know how your wishes will happen….all you need to do is make the wish. Then, your inner voice may tell you to take action to help make the wish come true. The inner voice always gives you positive words and feelings, and you must listen to it so that you can help yourself and others.    Enjoy making and receiving your wishes!

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I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly.

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Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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