Plant And Nourish Your Dreams – Star West 🌟 

Your dreams like all creation begin with the seeds of intention. What do you want to create and manifest in your life? Be clear, and water and feed them often. They need your attention, love, and nouishment. Pay attention to your dreams while sleeping. This is when your Higher Self and Angels and Guides speak to you. Pay attention especially when ideas come to you out of the blue. Quiet your mind so that you can hear their subtle messages and whispers in your ear. Stay open and be flexible. Release your attachment to how they will manifest. Give them time and space to grow and thank the Universe in advance.

Shift Your Perception – Star West â˜…


Take time out to pause and reflect. Shift your perspective about your current situation and all that is not in alignment with your heart, hopes, and dreams. As the energies continue to rise on the Planet, let your old ways of Being and thinking drop away. Move into your Heart. Although your current situation may not be ideal, find the good in it, and express gratitude. This will change your vibration and energy, and allow something new and better to manifest. Embrace your uniqueness. Balance doing with just Being, your inner masculine with your inner feminine, and giving with receiving. Shift your perception from fear to love, and ask the Angels, your Guides, and your Higher Self for clear guidance. Listen, and notice the signs they give you, and follow through on any action that you are guided to take. Trust, believe, and receive. It only takes a moment to shift your energy and your life. You have an important Soul Purpose and now is the time to awaken and step into it, as only you can.

Blow Away The Clouds of Self Doubt and Step Into Your Power – Star West â˜…


Blow away the clouds of self doubt. They are not who and what you are. They are mere shadows, illusions, and patterns from your past. Release them and allow your mind to be healed of them now, so that your True, Higher, Pure self can emerge, live, and be grounded into your physical body and deep into the Earth. Raise your vibration even Higher through classes and studies of Higher Truth, energy healing, or whatever you may be led to. It will help you to remember what you already may know deep within your Being, across lifetimes and dimensions, beyond time and space. You don’t need to know exactly where it will lead you, do it perfectly, or fit it into a box. Stay open, practice, and let it flow and guide you to the next step on your Soul Path. Your Most Highest and Beautiful Self awaits you now.

Unwrap The Gift – Star West ðŸŒŸ

Fotor_149392637558010Today’s Message :
Be in Love, Peace, Faith, Trust, and the deep knowing that All is Well. Allow the old patterns within you to dissolve to make room for the new. Allow your true and Highest Self to emerge. Even if things appear to be falling apart, know that they are really just making space for something better. Find the Gift in whatever you are going through, and unwrap it.



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