Today’s Message: 3/28/23

The Knight of Swords depicts a person fearlessly charging forward to defend their Truth. The suit of Swords deals with the mental level of Consciousness, communication, thoughts, words, and ideas. The advice is to have a plan of action before rushing in, think before you take action. Where are you being too aggressive with your truth? Or maybe you need to speak up more? This card can also indicate Positive Military Intervention.

The beautiful Deck is The Cosmic Rider Tarot available on Etsy :

Be the Calm in the Storm

Today’s Message is about facing your subconscious fears, shadows and old trauma stored in the body. Observe and release if you are ready to let go, heal, and make space for the Higher Energies. You are here to ground and hold the Higher Energies and be the Calm in the Storm.

This beautiful Deck, The Cosmic Rider Tarot is available on Etsy

Today’s Message 3/27/23

The Two of Swords card calls you to go within and get clear and still before speaking out. The Swords suit in Tarot represent thoughts, words, communication, and the mental level of Consciousness. Do you need a time out from someone, or are you avoiding and giving them the silent treatment? In either case, a truce is needed followed by reconciliation and healing.

This beautiful Deck is The Cosmic Rider Tarot available on Etsy:

Today’s Message 3/22/23

It is Time to put your Ancient Wisdom out into the World. The World Awaits Your Gifts.

Today’s Message 3/14/22

As the energies continue to rise, and more and more truth comes out, there will be shock, grief, and trauma to process both on a personal and Collective level. For many, this will feel like a Dark Night of the Soul, as both personal and Collective unhealed past trauma come up to be released and healed. Hold your Light on High. Be generous with your love, gifts, knowledge, and compassion. Be the Calm in the Storm. Once the storm passes and settles, the view will be breathtaking and Love will rule again. Your Time has come.

Today’s Message 3/13/23

Even though on the surface, it may look like things are falling apart, they are really clearing the way for something better. Rest in the Faith that the Light has already won. The corrupt old systems that have enslaved us for centuries are now being dismantled, and new systems that serve the Planet and all her inhabitants are coming on board. Trust in the Light and Visualize how your New Earth will be.

Today’s Message: 3/11/23

As the energies continue to rise, Collective and individual past trauma will be coming up to be seen, felt, released, and healed. It will be especially important to protect and shield your energy, and not react when you are triggered.

Keep your vibration high and hold love, light, and compassion for yourself and others. Much will be coming to light that may be shocking and disturbing to many. Your light and resources will be very needed. Take excellent care of your beautiful self.

Today’s Message 3/9/23

Lay Down Your Sword. Quiet Your Mind. Close Your Eyes. Breathe Deeply. Come to Sillness. Go Within. Release disempowering and limiting thoughts. Connect to Your Heart. When You Feel Still and Aligned, Open Your Eyes and Move Forward with Love.

Today’s Message:

Today’s Energies are love, light, and expansive. They are encouraging us to hold our most Highest Vision, Trust, and take a leap of Faith.

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