Today’s Message: 4/3/23

We are at the end of a very long cycle and nearing completion. It is time to break away from the Old systems and forge your own Authentic Path. Everything you need is within. Go deeper. Even if people laugh at you and call you crazy. Take it as a sign that you are on the Right Path.

Today’s Message:

Today’s Energies are love, light, and expansive. They are encouraging us to hold our most Highest Vision, Trust, and take a leap of Faith.

Go For It! ~Star West

Today’s Message:
Take a leap of faith!
Shift your energy from fear(the lowest vibration) to LOVE (the highest vibration).
Go for it! Charge forward confidently and passionately into your dreams. Seize the moment of inspiration without hesitation.
Now is the time and the answer is a loud, resounding YES!!!!!

Superlunaris Tarot Deck
I love this deck!!!! 💙💙

You Are Safe

Card of the Day from The Energy Oracle Cards:
Stay grounded in your root chakra, know that you are safe, stable, and secure. Release any fears surrounding your survival needs. Trust, release, trust, release, trust, release. Take time to be in nature and quiet your mind in meditation and love ❤️❤️

Let Love Lead the Way

“Today, I Let Love Lead the Way”

My Card of the Day:
Move from Your Head to your Heart.
Stay there and let Love wash over you
And guide you as your True North Star
Let your cup overflow
Love is perfect just the way it is
No need to overthink
Just Trust and Let Go ……
“Today, l Let Love Lead the Way”

Stay Grounded In Truth

Stay Grounded in the truth of your Higher Self by being vigilant over your thoughts. Thoughts create your energy, vibration, and reality. Call upon Archangel Michael to cut all toxic cords, be it to people, situations, or thoughts. Shift your mental perspective from fear to love. To stop habitual negative thoughts, move from your mind into your heart. If the negative mental chatter is overwhelming, move your body, do yoga, dance, sing, go outside, break your routine. We are all on the Wheel of Life with all its highs and lows. And, we are experiencing very potent energies as the Lions Gate portal is open and reaching it’s peak on 8/8. This is a powerful Gateway and Alignment, and it is normal for unresolved issues and past trauma to come up. Trust and know that wherever you find yourself on the wheel, this too shall pass, and you will rise again. It is your destiny. And as the beautiful Star card represents, hope and inspiration are on their way. Hold on! Breathe, trust, and keep going.

Trust,  Surrender,  Release  ~Star West ☆

Release the thoughts and surrender the situation that is troubling you. Focus on choosing thoughts of love and what you truly desire. Remember, the more you focus on what you do or don’t want, the more you will create it. Heaven is happy and more than willing to help you if you ask, but they can’t think for you. You are a Powerful Creator, and only you can choose what you want to create. You don’t need to know the hows and every detail. Release any attachment to the outcome. Trust, Surrender, Release. Trust, Surrender, Release. Trust, Surrender, Release.

Step Into Your Heart 

It is time to take the next step and shift into a  Higher level in your Healing work. You have been doing powerful work in healing yourself and healing others. As you heal, you heal others, and as you heal others, you are healed. Just as when you forgive yourself, you forgive others simultaneously, until you come to a place where you realize that there is nothing to forgive. There is only Love. Self Love and Forgiveness are at the root of all Healing. Wherever you are at in your Healing Process and Journey, it is time to take it to the next level.  Connect with your Inner Heart, ask for Guidance,  Trust, and Follow. You can no longer hide your Light and Empowered Being. Step into it…………….

Release The Old And Welcome The New – Star West ★


The New Year provides a Golden Gateway into Higher Light and Higher Love. To allow the new into your life, you must continue releasing the old. This includes all of your exes. Whether it’s your ex-boyfriend, job, etc., be willing to let go of all that no longer serves your Highest Good and Life Purpose. Release all old patterns and pain from the past. See the love and lessons that they offered you for the evolution and growth of your Soul. Thank them for the gifts they brought to you, including showing you all the unhealed and dark places within you. Focus on transmuting it all into Love. This burns and balances all karma and sets you free. Trust Heaven to work miracles and bring forth positive outcomes and solutions far beyond what you can now imagine. Have Faith in what Heaven can create through you. You are the one you have been waiting for.

Shift Your Thoughts Into Love – Star West ★


Detach from fear, worry, stress, and anxiety with whatever situation you are presently dealing with. Let go and trust that there’s a solution and peaceful resolution. Know that each person and Being is innocent and perfect within. Within each is a Divine spark of God. Be accepting of where they are at in their journey. Focus on changing your judgement and thoughts about them rather than trying to change or fix them or the situation. This is an important part of your Life Purpose, for as you change, beginning with your thoughts, everything around you will transform. The more you have loving thoughts, the more the world will shift into the higher frequencies of love.

PS- If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. I am currently working to fulfill my Life Purpose of rescuing cats!

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Lift Off! – Star West ★

53015 The timing is perfectly aligned. Spread your wings and fly into your dreams and the next level of your Soul’s evolutionary process of Ascension, Awakening and Higher consciousness. Keep focused on your intentions and affirmations of what you want to create. Remember, your thoughts do create your reality. Every thought creates energy. Trust your heart and stay focused on love, service, and spirit. Trust that you are safe and all of your physical needs will be provided for. Follow through on your inner guidance and the messages that come to you. Fly through the illusion we have collectively created and been locked into for thousands of years and Earth cycles. You have been well prepared. Everything you need to know has been stored deeply within you. The key to unlock it lies within your heart. Today’s song is ‘Aquarius”. The Planets have aligned and it is time.

This may be my last post for a while as I am in the process of moving to Arizona! If these readings have been helpful for you, please consider making a donation. No amount is too small (or too large), and it will greatly help me, more than you can know. Go to my Get A Reading page to make a donation.
In deepest gratitude and so much love, Star ★★★★

Release Your Worries And Be A Gateway Of Light – Star West ★

51115 Financial and external concerns may be causing you stress and worry. This is a reminder to change your perceptions and beliefs about money. You may be carrying around subconscious beliefs about money going back to when you were five years old. It is likely that you picked these up from one of your Parents. This is an opportunity for you to get in touch with these feelings so that you can begin to release them. You can affirm abundance, but if deep down you really don’t believe it’s possible, then it will be very difficult to manifest it as the Universe responds to your subconscious as well as your conscious beliefs. It would be helpful to journal your thoughts, memories, and deep beliefs about money. The number five is all about change and here you are being asked to change your beliefs concerning money. The external things you are worrying about may also include health, work, creativity or relationships. The more you worry and believe in lack, fear, and not enough, the more this will be mirrored back to you in your external manifestations which will reaffirm your lack. Worry keeps you in the past and future and takes you out of the present where solutions and opportunities await. The way to dissolve worry is to stay fully grounded in the present, and avoid getting pulled into future concerns or past experiences. Deal with situations as they come up in the present one at a time. This will keep you from becoming overwhelmed. As you do the work of releasing your old beliefs, letting go of the past, casting off the chains of the ego, and making the changes you need to make, you will be able to create a new level of prosperity and freedom in every area of your life. Do the inner work of visualizing where you want to be not just tomorrow, but over the long term. The Star card is about having absolute confidence in yourself and allowing your inner light to radiate. Know that you are an opening for light, a gateway through which the Divine can manifest. Trust, keep the Faith, open your heart and extend compassion to all. Be willing to help others who have less and are in need. This opens up the flow of abundance.

Drink From The Fountain Of Love And Light – Star West ★


Open your heart to receive Heaven’s gifts. To receive love, you must release all that is not love. To receive light, you must release the darkness within. Be an observer and when you notice these things coming up, just be willing to release them. Allow the light, and use the Violet Flame to transmute them into love. Surround the entire Planet with this Flame, as you are here to transmute all into love. It is why you came. Be strong and brave and do not let fear pull you down. Love is the highest frequency and fear is the lowest. Ask for a miracle when fear comes up. According to A Course in Miracles, a miracle is shifting your perception of fear into love. As you walk into the unknown territory of the Higher Dimensions, trust and affirm often that everything is working out perfectly for your Highest good and the Highest good of all concerned. Trust that all your needs are being met in this and every moment. Be the warrior that you are. Drink from the fountain of love and light. Trust and know from deep within that all is well, and Heaven has your back.

Enjoy today’s song: Ripple by The Grateful Dead.

Reach For The Stars! – Star West ★


Your Divine Life Purpose and gifts involve working with younger souls. These may be actual children or may be animals, plants or any living thing, as all are here to evolve their souls and raise their vibration in love. Every living Being on the Earth now is participating in the Ascension process, whether consciously or not. Extend your unconditional love to all, as all life is sacred. In the past, you settled for less. As the old 3D paradigm dissolves, truly anything is possible. Dream your highest dream. Focus and set your intention. Refuse to allow the old ways to consume your dreams and inner peace. Are you extending unconditional love to yourself? Have you released your pain from the past? Have you forgiven everyone for everything? Do you believe your needs will be met? Do you believe that the Power that created you and all life in all Universes is able to solve any problem that you may be experiencing in the present? Are you willing to?  Do you believe you deserve to be happy and live your deepest and Highest dream? If not, remember to ask Heaven, your Angels, guides, Star Family, Twin Soul, Higher and Future Self for help. They are all standing by awaiting your request, your willingness, and a moment of your time.  Have you been wanting to change your career, and place of living? This change is fully supported by Heaven and the unstoppable Higher energies flowing into the Planet. Trust that everything you are wanting is working out perfectly. Trust and surrender your fears. Ask for help, guidance, miracles, and be willing to receive. Nothing is out of reach now, reach for the Stars!

Let Love Lead The Way – Star West ★


You are crossing over a bridge into a new reality, and uncharted territory. Allow Love to lead and guide you. The options and possibilities are unlimited. Open your heart and trust that everything is unfolding perfectly in Divine Order. Trust that when you follow your heart and the call of your soul, everything you need will be provided for even if you can’t see how. Stay strong , believe in and love yourself. You are very much needed.

Release The Old Ways ★




A beautiful angel is holding a clock in the stillness of winter. Her quiet, peaceful energy is telling you that it’s time to release the old urgency and to look at things with a much clearer perspective. Relax and let go of the desperation that’s been driving you. Don’t try to force your will on only one option, or you will block many wonderful ones from coming to you. Release the old ways. Ask for: “This or something better for my Highest good and the Highest good of all concerned.”  That way, you don’t limit the Universe or your Higher Self. Let go of any anxiety and the need to make things happen. Be open, be flexible and be creative. Trust that the Universe has many more options than you may be presently aware of.  Choose to be at peace in this moment and let the Higher Energy flow through you. It is critical that you shield and clear your energies of harsh and negative energies to keep the light flowing through you. Ask your Angels for help. They are especially good at this.

The 2nd and 3rd photos are an edited version of the 1st in which I see sacred geometry. Click on the pictures to see and notice what intuitively comes to you.

Trust Your Feelings


Shield and clear your energy! As a sensitive person you easily absorb the negative energies of others and feel things much more intensely than others. Simply ask Heaven and the Angels to surround you with their light for spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental protection, and know that it is done. Trust your own feelings and dreams to guide your career path. Your dreams and desires are clues to your Life Purpose, as your soul calls out to you through your feelings. Your feelings are the physical embodiment of Heaven’s guidance for you. Trust them, even if you don’t understand them or where they are leading you. Take notes on what you receive and act upon your guidance. You are the author of your life. Plan accordingly.

Forgiveness Is The Way To Peace And Love – By Star West ★


Choose to see the love, light and innocence in all, including yourself. Focus on love instead of fear. Release all past mistakes and feelings of guilt. Forgive yourself and everyone else for everything. Forgiveness leads you to peace and love. It is the way. Release and surrender any situations, worries and concerns to Heaven. Trust that whatever the problem, the solution is already here. It is helpful and healing to write down your feelings and ask your Higher Self for guidance. You may be surprised by the wisdom, clarity and love that will answer you through your own hand.

Focus On Love Above All Else – By Star West ★


As the energies continue to rise upon the Planet, especially with the upcoming Solstice, it is more important than ever to stay focused on Love, and not be distracted by what is happening outside of you. As you do this, the ancient wisdom that lies deep within you shall be activated and the Planet shall know peace.  The lower energies that have permeated all of Earth for eons shall no longer have power or be able to exist. Send love to the whole Plant and all Beings, including yourself. As you focus on love more and more, you will assume your place as counselor and healer to many. Follow your intuitive guidance, and you will rise to the occasion. Trust Heaven, yourself and know that all is truly well.

Trust Your Inner Light – By Star West ★


Pay close attention to all you hear within your mind and with your physical ears. Divine messages are repetitious, loving, direct and clear. If you’re unsure of their meaning ask the Angels for clarity. To better hear Divine guidance, it’s important to awaken your creativity by engaging in creative expression in some form. When you work with light, sound, color, or music, it connects you to higher dimensions and Source energy and brings healing. Don’t worry about the form, outcome or if it’s perfect. If you are feeling stuck or blocked, this will get your energy moving. What’s important here is that you take action and have fun with it. Your Soul is longing for creative expression. Trust that the messages you are receiving are of the light.  Hold on to your light. Let it shine strong within you.

Welcome New Love Into Your Life – By Star West ★


The Angels and the Universe are infusing you with new love. This may indicate the arrival of a new partner or a renewal of love in your current relationship. Open your heart to receive. Continue releasing the past and raising your vibration in love to attract more  love into your life.  Know that you are deeply loved by Heaven and you deserve a wonderful partner to share your journey with. Send love in advance to them and remember to send love to yourself too. Trust and have Faith that love is on its way to you, even if you have no idea how. You are exactly where you need to be. Trust the direction you are going in. With faith, all things are truly possible. Stay open and aware. You never know where or when you may meet your new partner. To help facilitate the process, it would be helpful to go within and disconnect from the outside world. A retreat and get away would benefit you greatly. You never know who you will meet.

Today’s song is “Songbird” by Eva Cassidy. Imagine the  Angels singing this to you.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Move Into Your Divine Life Purpose and New Career – By Star West ★


Release your emotions through a physical outlet. Take action on your dreams. Move forward. Mix up your routine and step outside of your comfort zone. The Angels are validating your dreams of a career change. Release your fears and trust Heaven is supporting you step by step, as you move into your Divine work and purpose. Focus on your career dreams and not your career fears. Stay in the present and follow Heaven’s guidance that comes through your intuition. Transition gradually. Be patient as you release the old and move into the new. Trust and honor your sensitivity through the process. Be still so you can clearly hear your intuitive guidance. Release all that is not of love.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

The Time Has Come To Release Your Ex – By Star West ★


The time has come to energetically release your ex. Clear your energy and any attachments you are still holding onto. Ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that may still be binding you to them in a toxic way. This is blocking you from moving forward on your path and in your love life. Until you completely let go, you will continue to carry their energy in your aura, and block great new love from entering your life. Release and keep releasing, especially when old familiar feelings come up, or your find yourself attracting people reminiscent of them. It is a process. Trust your intuition and follow the guidance you receive to release the old and bring in the new. Great love is worth the effort. The Angels are guiding you to fall in love with life again and yourself, before you can truly love someone else. Take time out to play and really have fun. Fun is a necessity, not a luxury. If you are currently in a relationship , make sure to plan creative playtime.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Set Your Boundaries With Love – By Star West ★


Empower yourself by setting your boundaries with love. Say yes and say no when you mean it. It is a very loving thing to do, both for yourself and for others. Don’t let anyone manipulate you through guilt and fear. This way of acting belongs in the lower dimensions and is not where you are going. Stay strong and true to your heart. Trust your feelings. They are accurate messages guiding you home. Be strong, yet be gentle. Your current situation calls for you to simultaneously honor your deep sensitivity while maintaining your boundaries. It is time for you to be both “nice” and assertive. Speak your truth with love. Develop your physical strength as well through exercise and loving self care. Drop your defenses that may be keeping you from enjoying your life, and know that you are safe. Relax into the loving arms of God. You are protected, safe, and loved. Always.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Your Gifts Are Now Needed – By Star West ★


You may have felt often that you don’t belong here. However, you have a special purpose and gifts that are now needed. Your vision is way beyond the average person and you are learning how to create the reality you want for yourself, the Planet and even far beyond. Allow your creative gifts to come forth, in whatever form that may take. Notice the details of your everyday life. Notice how the light is changing, and the new colors emerging as your vibration raises higher and higher through your love and creativity. You are happiest when you are creative and allow the power of the Universe to flow through you. Express you unique vision in all that you do. Hold fast in your vision and your faith. All that you have asked for is about to manifest. It is important that you follow your inner guidance wherever that may lead you. Everything is in Divine Timing and coming together at the perfect time. Trust and know that it is.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Place Your Dreams In Heaven’s Hands – By Star West ★


Expect the best because life gives you what you expect. So wish upon a star and trust that your dreams will manifest, even if it is not exactly how you imagined. Chances are it will most likely be better,  if you can trust and surrender the hows and outcome into the hands of Heaven. Surrender your past disappointments as well, because they may be blocking your dreams from manifesting.  Trust that your wishes will come to you at the perfect time, in the perfect way. Listen to your inner voice and take action as you are guided. Remember to say thank you as your wishes appear before you. Be grateful and focus on all the good in your life and what is working for you. Thank the Universe in advance for all the good that is about to pour into your life. Be true to yourself and your dreams. Be and speak the truth with love, just like the Angels do.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


Patience, Little One! – By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Indigo Angel Oracle Cards By Doreen and Charles Virtue. Click on the picture to see, and notice what comes to you. While praying, I called on Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron. Today’s song is “Teach Your Children” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Right click and click open link in a new tab to hear the song while you are reading the message.

Patience, little one! What you desire is not quite ready to emerge in your life. Trust in Divine Timing and do your part to positively focus on what you want and follow your inner guidance. As a highly sensitive person, patience may be one of the most important lessons you need to learn here. Be patient with people and circumstances in your life. You are not doing anything wrong. As an advanced Being who is here on a mission, you are able to see and know more than the average person.  You are not the only one here who feels like you’re racing against turtles. The better you get at waiting, the happier and more at peace you will be. Trust that it is well worth waiting for. You will not be disappointed! Call upon Archangel Michael for strength, protection, courage, confidence, and to transmute your fears into love. He has your back. Archangel Metatron oversees the Indigos and the sensitive empaths who have brought in many spiritual gifts and have an important life purpose. He has been with you from birth. Call upon him daily for messages and signs that you are on the right path. He will  bring you peace in situations that seem unfair. He will also help you let go of unforgiveness so that you can move on and not allow lower energy to pull you down and keep you from Divine Love.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Step Back, Laugh, And Trust- By Star West ★


Step back and lighten up. Be willing to laugh and see the humor in all situations. Laughter opens our hearts and raises our vibration. God and the Angels have a wonderful sense of humor. “There is great humor in highly evolved energies, especially those who work with the love frequency. It can be recognized as a trademark. With energies you encounter, make certain there is an expansive sense of humor, for laughter is a key to freedom. There is plenty of room for joy in all of existence, and this is a concept you are seeking to grasp.”  In addition to finding the humor in your current situation, you may also want to consider other options. You deserve to be happy and be true to yourself. Explore your options and know that anything is possible and your needs will be provided for. Know that Heaven is working  behind the scenes to heal your situation. It is already done. Trust that everything is working out perfectly for you and for everyone involved.

Today’s quote is from the book:  Earth, Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library- by Barbara Marciniak. The full audio is here:

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Release And Move Forward With Love – By Star West ★


Continue to release any unforgiveness, of yourself or others. The energies of the Planet are rising and asking us to release all that is not of love if we want to rise with her. Release, release, release. Trust your inner guidance and take action. Now is not the time to hesitate or hold back. It is a time to move forward fearlessly. Ask Archangel Michael to show you the next step and the next. One step at a time is how you will get there.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Carry On, Everything Is In Divine Order – By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and notice what comes to you. Today’s song is “Carry On” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.             

Heaven and the Angels can only help you if you ask. Once you do, don’t define what the help should look like. Open your heart and mind to receive. Follow any guidance and intuitive hunches that come, even if they don’t make sense. They will. Continue surrendering any and all pain and toxic behaviors from the past. Visualize the emerald green light of Archangel Raphael around anything that needs healing. You have prayed for help in manifesting your life purpose into your career, and that is now occurring.  Although it may feel stressful, trust that the old is being cleared to make way for the new. Follow each step that comes to you, like a Divine Roadmap. Call upon Archangel Chamuel as your career coach. You are right on schedule, and everything is in Divine Order. Know and have faith that Heaven is working behind the scenes on your behalf and for the Highest good of all. Keep your spirit high by staying positive and in gratitude. All is beyond well.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Let The Past Dissolve Into Love, So That Your Dreams Can Manifest – By Star West ★


You are on the right path! Continue with your dreams and goals. Just by having a dream, it has added passion and meaning to your life. Ask your Angels for signs, clarity, motivation, support and inspiration. Follow the guidance that you are given through your intuition. Devote some time and energy everyday to your dreams. They are well on their way. Hold onto hope, even though you may have no idea how your dreams can manifest into reality, and how your present situation can be transformed. This requires faith, and that you trust in God’s plan for you and your life. Continue releasing past pain, worries, doubt, and other forms of fear to God, who will heal and transform them into love and miraculous solutions. Trade in your pain for peace. Forgive everyone from your past, including the part you played. It is over and it’s time to let it go. Let it dissolve into love. Only then, will your dreams manifest into reality.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


Step Into The Light Of Abundance – By Star West ★


Trust the guidance and ideas that are coming to you. They are answers to your prayers, and it is safe to take action on them. Continue to check in with your Angels and guides. They are with you each step of the way. Leave the details to them. Trust that as you move forward on your dreams and passions, which are your life purpose, all your needs are abundantly provided for. Put the time of worrying about money in the past. Step out of the old scarcity programming, into the light of abundance. It is important to eliminate chemicals and toxic substances from your life. Your sensitivity to them has increased. As you cleanse and detoxify your body and mind, and nourish them with life affirming foods and positive thoughts, you will be able to hear the voice of your Angels and your intuition more clearly, and manifest your dreams more quickly.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Everything Is Going To Be Okay – By Star West ★


Talk less and listen more. Guidance from the Angels and Higher realms is subtle and quiet, and if your mind and body are too loud and busy, you may miss it. Continue giving your worries and the hows to them. Trust that everything is being taken care of and the dreams that you are focusing on are coming to be. Breathe deeply and listen. All is well. Everything is okay and working out for your Highest good, and the Highest good of all concerned. Accept yourself, others, and everything as it is. Send love to everyone, and every situation. Release your control. Let things be and follow your inner guidance. Relax, breathe, trust, and let go.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Speak Out From The Depths Of Your Being – By Star West ★


When you express and talk about your feelings, it helps you understand how you really feel and what you truly want. It is also important to release your emotions by communicating in a safe space with someone you trust, who can hold the energy of love and compassion for you by listening. You can also journal your thoughts and feelings. Once you are clear about what you feel, step forward and speak out from your heart. Allow the truth of your being to be heard. Bring your truth to the light of day. You are a natural teacher and leader. You have the gift and ability to heal and empower others through your words. This is not the time to hold back. Stand tall and speak out from the depths of your soul. Take a risk. Remember to tell the people that you love, that you love them. Trust that it will be okay. No matter what your current situation may look like, rest assured it will be over soon, and you’ll be just fine. Breathe deeply, and learn the lessons that will only make you stronger. Do your best to stay positive. Relax, everything’s going to be okay.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Soon, There Will Be Here – By Star West ★


The Angels see you as a perfect, flawless being doing the best that you can. Every part of you makes perfect sense to them. You may feel as if you’re flawed, or have made mistakes. The Angels remind you that nothing is a mistake, and that everything is in Divine order. They “get” you, and they see your Divine beauty and perfection. They understand why you have made every single decision as you have. Archangel Michael reminds you of the power of prayer to improve every situation and that the Divine mind knows every solution to every situation. Your role is to ask, as God and the Angels cannot intervene without your request and permission. They cannot violate your free will. This is a law of this earth realm. Ask, and then trust. Let go of the hows, and know that your prayers will be answered in far greater ways than your human mind can comprehend. Click on the picture to see the prayer. Heaven knows what your dream is. To accomplish it and to keep from becoming discouraged and overwhelmed, they suggest taking one small step at a time. Break it down, whether it’s cleaning a room or saving the world, ask for guidance in taking the next step, and then take action as guided. Visualize your dream now as being completed. Notice how that makes you feel. Give gratitude. Ask your future self how to get there, and soon there will be here.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Expect Miracles! – By Star West ★


This message is validation that the career you’re dreaming about is your life’s purpose. You are meant to do work that makes your soul sing, uplifts others, and brings abundance to you and through you. Trust the Universe to support you and open doors for you. Move forward confidently! Click on the picture to read the prayer. Miracles are unfolding for you as you read this, expect them and allow them. Celebrate them when they appear, no matter how small they may seem. Let go of fear. Don’t limit the way in which you think they should appear. Let the Creator amaze and surprise you. To help these dreams manifest, be sure to surround yourself with positive energy. Take it to an even higher level. Avoid negative influences through radio, tv,  movies, newspapers, magazines and books. Avoid negative discussions with yourself and others. Declutter your environment as well, to make room for new, positive energy. Expect miracles.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Surround Yourself With Heaven’s Light – By Star West ★


“Connecting with nature helps synchronize your rhythms to the universal heartbeat. In this way, your natural timing improves so that you’re in the right place at the right time. Being in nature renews your spirit and revives your energy level. Get outside everyday, even if it takes some effort on your part. Once you’re in nature, take some time to smell the roses and observe the glorious beauty. Know that you’re part of nature, and that you’re also beautiful.” While you’re there, wish upon a star and trust it will come true. Remember to release the hows to Heaven, and trust your wishes will come to you at the perfect time in the perfect way. Ask your Higher Self and the Angels for trust and to heal all past hurts, and disappointments. The new energies help us to manifest more quickly than ever before, so focus on what you want, and not on what you don’t. Your thoughts will quickly appear as evidence to whatever you are thinking. Consciously choose the thoughts that support your heart’s desire and your Highest good. Honor your emotional sensitivity and see it now as the gift that it is. Surround yourself with peaceful energies in your relationships, work and home life. Continue to surround yourself with Heaven’s light for healing and protection.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Trust In Heaven And Yourself -By Star West ★


It is time to trust in your natural manifestation abilities and use them to create what you want. Be aware of how much your thoughts and feelings affect your reality. Believe in yourself. Decide what you really want. Release your fears and worries to Heaven and focus on your destination. Enjoy the journey along the way. Use crystals for support in manifesting what you desire. They are more helpful than ever as our bodies continue to shift into a more crystalline form. You may also be the parent or work with crystal children. Be sure to give them extra support and love.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Stay The Course – By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture and notice what feelings come to you. If you are feeling stuck in a cycle or a situation that you want to escape, take some time to review and revise your plans. Don’t procrastinate, but don’t take drastic action either. Wait for the right timing.  Balance and carefully weigh your options before making important decisions. Communication and trust within relationships are important right now. Stay the course. Abundance and resolution are on their way to you. Gratitude and positive thinking are essential to create and receive all that you are longing for.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Follow What Your Soul Is calling You To Do – By Star West ★


What makes your heart sing? What is your soul calling you to do? Take charge of your life and schedule, and spend more time doing what you love. This benefits everyone, and gives them permission to do the same. Make choices that honor your priorities and support your life purpose. Call upon Archangel Metatron to help you focus and get organized. Imagine a world where we all did what we loved in joy and service to others. You love animals and they love you. Your life purpose involves working with them on some level. Trust your intuitive guidance about ways to connect with the animal kingdom and include them in your life. They serve to open Humanity’s hearts and hold the vibration of love for all. The more you can follow the calling of your soul, do what makes your heart sing, and connect with animals, the more love, joy, and abundance will flow into your life. The source of all abundance is God, and you knew on some level that the Creator would supply all of your needs, before you incarnated here. It is time to remember and have faith that your needs will be met on all levels. Affirm: “I now graciously accept my Highest good into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always.” And so it is.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Remember To Honor Your Inner Voice As The Powerful Life Force That Connects You To The Divine -By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Life Purpose Oracle Cards, Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards, and Archangel Michael Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture and notice what comes to you. Once again, we are reminded to trust and honor our feelings. You are a Healer. Everyone possesses this gift to some extent, but you have been working on it through many lifetimes. Trust in your feelings and intuitive ideas. Have confidence in your natural abilities. Take classes if you feel the need to build up your abilities and confidence even more. It is also important to take excellent care of yourself on all levels, in order to withstand the intense energetic demand of caring for others, and to keep yourself from becoming drained and burnt out. Balance your work with rest, and giving with receiving. Set healthy boundaries and follow a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Remember you are not alone, you have a whole team of benevolent beings working with you including Ascended Masters, Angels, your Twin Flame, Star Family, and your Higher Self. The way they communicate with you is through signs, which can include: a song you hear, words you read, a chance meeting, finding a feather or coin, and so forth. Be present and notice them. You can also ask for them. It is important to honor and trust your feelings, and not dismiss them, or think you just made them up. These signs are real and your feelings are true. Remember to respect your inner voice as the powerful life force that connects you to the Divine.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Honor Your Feelings – By Star West ★


Today’s message comes from Archangel Michael Oracle Cards and Magical Unicorn Oracle Cards. Click on the picture and notice what comes to you. Once again we are reminded to keep our thoughts positive and notice the connection between our thoughts and our reality. Although you may feel that you are being positive, this card is asking you to go a little deeper and be even more vigilant in noticing your thoughts and words, to ensure that they really are positive. You are never alone. We are all surrounded by a team of benevolent Higher Beings, including Ascended Masters, Angels, Guides, and Higher Self. Ask them for help. This may also involve asking other people for help, receiving it, and giving it as it is needed. We are all in this together as a collective, and are here to help and be helped. Remember to listen to and trust your feelings. Respect your inner voice as the powerful life force that connects you to the Divine. If you feel confused or conflicted, journal your feelings and ask yourself questions. Be completely honest with yourself, and the answers will become clear.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Pick The Path Of The Most Love – By Star West ★



Today’s reading comes from Archangel Michael Oracle Cards and Magical Unicorn Oracle Cards. Click on the picture and notice what feelings come to you. This is a message about deciding what you truly want, focusing on it, intending it, and trusting that it already is. Archangel Michael is guiding you towards your life purpose. Affirm that your dreams are already a reality. Visualize that you already have the work of your dreams and all your needs are provided for. Trust the excitement you feel when you think about it. This is a sign that you’re on the right path. Keep going. Release your fears and doubts in exchange for peace. Trust that the Angels have been working behind the scenes to resolve the situation you are asking about, and all is healed,  all is well. In order to keep things flowing, it is important to make a clear decision about what you want. If you are being presented with different options, pick the one that makes your heart sing, and brings the most love to all concerned. Pick the path of the most love.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Be Your Authentic Self – By Star West ★


Today we have another powerful message from Archangel Michael. Once again we are reminded to be conscious of our dreams, while sleeping and awake. Be willing to release all fear. Call upon Archangel Michael for help. This is his specialty. He wants you to believe everything you are asking about is already healed and complete. This opens the doorway for Divine solutions to manifest. Your trust is needed before your manifestations present themselves, not the other way around as we have been conditioned to believe. Keep monitoring your thoughts to ensure that they really are positive, especially when it comes to how you think and speak about yourself and your situation. It is important to be conscious of them and just observe them, before you can gently correct them. It is a subtle shift, so be aware. If you are going through a major life change and are feeling vulnerable, know that Archangel Michael is with you, guiding and protecting you. It is safe to drop your defenses and open your heart in relationships. Be your authentic self. Continue to explore your options and be honest and authentic with yourself. If you are in a job, relationship, or situation that is no longer working for you, it may be time to let go. This is not a time to compromise or settle for less. Be true to yourself, and trust that all your needs will be met when you are.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly.

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Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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