Honor Your Soul And Your Path – Star West ★


You are on a winding path of self evolution that leads to a blessed temple, symbolizing the spiritual destiny your soul has chosen for this lifetime. Everything you are now experiencing is all part of your soul’s process. You are on your karmic path and headed in the right direction. Honor your soul and your path. Call upon all those in the Higher realms who are standing by ready to assist you. Inner strength and unlimited resources flow through you now. Stay focused and listen to your inner guidance for the next step. Take control of your thoughts and your destiny. Speak your truth. The Universe is sending you support and new connections and alliances. All is well and bright.

Focus On Your Inner Vision – Star West ★


Call upon Archangel Michael to clear your 1st or root chakra with his flaming sword of light. Your 1st chakra is your connection to the Earth and brings up issues of security and stability in the physical world. Visualize Archangel Michael’s warm light and power filling this area and bringing you a greater sense of your own true strength and eternal stability. It is important to keep the energy flowing freely so that you can raise your vibration and access Higher realms and your Higher Self. Make it a priority to rest, recharge, and go within. Archangel Metatron brings brilliant indigo vibrations to your Third Eye, giving you the gift of clarity and clear inner vision. Get clear on your personal vision. What do you want your life to look like? Focus on that. You have all the power you need to create a strong personal vision that will guide you on your path.

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