Release The Old Ways ★




A beautiful angel is holding a clock in the stillness of winter. Her quiet, peaceful energy is telling you that it’s time to release the old urgency and to look at things with a much clearer perspective. Relax and let go of the desperation that’s been driving you. Don’t try to force your will on only one option, or you will block many wonderful ones from coming to you. Release the old ways. Ask for: “This or something better for my Highest good and the Highest good of all concerned.”  That way, you don’t limit the Universe or your Higher Self. Let go of any anxiety and the need to make things happen. Be open, be flexible and be creative. Trust that the Universe has many more options than you may be presently aware of.  Choose to be at peace in this moment and let the Higher Energy flow through you. It is critical that you shield and clear your energies of harsh and negative energies to keep the light flowing through you. Ask your Angels for help. They are especially good at this.

The 2nd and 3rd photos are an edited version of the 1st in which I see sacred geometry. Click on the pictures to see and notice what intuitively comes to you.

Stay Clear And Balanced – By Star West ★


There is a need for you to balance work and play and for creative expression. Music and dance uplifts your soul, connects you to the Divine, and grounds you into Earth. Fairies act as your spirit guides. They are the closest spiritual beings to the Earth as their mission is to protect the Earth and all her sacred beings, plants, animals, the waters, and all natural elements. They can help you manifest material things that you need in exchange for helping them in some way to take care of the Earth. This is part of your Life Purpose and reason for being here. What is your soul calling you to do in order to help the Planet? As the energies continue to rise in preparation for the summer Solstice and the upcoming full moon, and with mercury retrograde, you are especially sensitive to energies and may feel confused and overwhelmed. In the past, you may have tried to self medicate with chemical, foods, and addictive substances to protect yourself from harsh energies. This is a message to deal with your sensitivities in healthier ways. Ask the Angels for help to detoxify yourself from chemicals and processed foods. Visualize your sacral chakra glowing with orange light to keep it clear and balanced.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Are You Willing To Trade Pain For Peace? – By Star West ★


Continue asking Archangel Raphael for help in healing, releasing, and forgiving. There is more from your past to heal, release, and forgive. Whatever toxic feelings and past memories you are holding onto are blocking you from moving forward. Forgiving doesn’t mean accepting abusive or unacceptable behavior, it means being willing to allow the Angels to clear away the toxicity of unforgiveness from your heart and mind. All it requires is your willingness and a moment of your time. Are you willing to trade pain for peace? Here’s a helpful prayer: “Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. I am willing to forgive (whatever or whoever it is) and release all stored up anger from my physical, mental, and emotional bodies. I am willing to release pain, in exchange for peace.”  Be sure to include your Parents, and know that they did the best they could at the time. If you are having trouble receiving loving kindness from others, this could be from unhealed emotions you have toward your mother. Receptivity is a feminine energy, represented by our mothers. If you feel afraid or resistant to receive love, or feel guilty about asking for your needs to be met, call upon the Angels for help and healing with your Mother.  If your self esteem and confidence are low, and it is hard to take positive action, these could be from unhealed emotions towards your Father. The masculine father energy is about taking positive action in the world. This card is also a signal of your Parent’s deep, unconditional love for you especially if they are in Heaven right now. They are sending you a message. It is: “I love you.”


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


Honor Yourself – By Star West ★


Indigos have incarnated at a crucial time in Earth’s history to assist and lead the Planet back into light. You are one of these people and now is one of those times. As such, you may often feel discouraged, frustrated, like you don’t fit in anywhere, and struggle with self doubt and self esteem. This reading reminds you that you are not like other people. Your entire makeup is different, and this is a good thing! Honor your sensitivities and unique gifts. You have been sent here on a sacred mission and the world needs your light and your love. You may also in addition to being one yourself, have indigo children. These children are very strong willed and high spirited. They have strong opinions about how the world should be and have an intolerance for any and all dishonesty. Many Indigo children are misunderstood and misdiagnosed with labels such as ADHD because of their high intelligence and intuitive sensitivities. As a parent or teacher of these children, you are called to help them maintain their self esteem and nurture their spiritual gifts and Divine mission. Call upon Archangel Metatron for help and guidance. It is also important for you in the midst of all this responsibility to take time out to enjoy the beauty that is all around you. Live and love fully. Surround yourself with people and places that bring you joy. Allow yourself to enjoy the pleasures of this life without feeling guilt for all the suffering in the world. Give yourself permission to be happy and experience profound gratification.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Speak Your Truth With Love – By Star West ★


It is time to speak your truth. Important messages are waiting to come through you, either verbally or through the written word. Call upon Archangel Gabriel, the messenger Angel, to help you unlock your throat chakra, and express your messages with love. This will free you and others on many levels, and fulfill an important part of your True Life’s Purpose. You’re on the right path! The Angels are giving you confirmation to keep doing what you’re doing, because it is working. Continue focusing on your dream, and take a step each day, no matter how small, towards it. Nothing is out of reach. Ask them daily for help and guidance: “Please clearly give me signs, guidance, motivation, support, and inspiration related to my Divine life purpose.” Notice what comes to you after this request and follow the guidance you receive. To support your dreams and spiritual path, it is important to nourish your body with high vibrating foods and beverages. This means eating and drinking organic foods, which are free of chemicals, and GMOs. As you do, you’ll experience greater health, energy, and psychic clarity.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Focus On Your Dreams – By Star West ★


Release any fears or worries. You and your loved ones are safe and protected. Free your mind and  focus it in meaningful and creative ways. Leave your fears and worries in the past. The worst is behind you and the best is yet to come. Trust what you see in your dreams and visions. The gift of spiritual sight is your inheritance from the Creator. If you feel blocked, release any painful experiences from the past. Open your heart to see. Know that anything is possible and there is no situation that can’t be changed. What are your dreams and what would you wish for if you could have anything? Go there now. Explore your options. Set your intention and take small steps each day in the direction of your dreams.


I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Unlimited Freedom Awaits You – By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards, Life Purpose Oracle Cards, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see, and notice what comes to you. Today’s message continues on yesterday’s theme of forgiveness. You hopefully, are experiencing the freedom, empowerment, and peace that forgiveness brings. Unlimited freedom awaits you. Claim it now. Part of your life purpose involves taking full responsibility for your life in each moment, with each choice, and each decision. The Angels are helping you shift away from feeling disempowered and victimized by others or outside circumstances. Remember to ask them for help. Although Heaven and the Angels know exactly what you need, they can only intervene if you ask. They will never interfere without your permission. There is no need to go it alone when there is an infinite supply of help available to you, able to do and go where you cannot. Release your need to control the outcome. Surrender to Heaven. Heaven knows best.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Focus On The Love And Abundance You Want To Attract – By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Angel Therapy, and Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and notice what comes to mind. This reading indicates your worry and concern about your material needs. It is important that you use only positive words and thoughts to describe your present situation. Replace your worries with prayers and affirmations. Worry is a prayer to attract what you don’t want, so it’s important to focus, visualize, and claim in advance what you do want. Most likely, you are unhappy with your current work, and wanting to shift into the work your heart and soul are calling you to do, but worried how you can have your material needs met. It is a challenge most of us are now facing, as our Planet continues to shift and ascend.  What once worked will no longer sustain us. That’s a good thing, but it can also bring up fear. The base or root chakra is an energy center located at the bottom of your spine. It is connected to your feelings about survival and your material needs. To open the flow of Divine Manifestation, breath deeply and send healing light to the base of your spine now. See and feel a huge ball of ruby red light glowing within you. Your words are healing to others, and people often seek you out for guidance and empathy. On some level, your life purpose involves counseling, which could manifest through healing, teaching or writing. It is important that you also follow the kind and loving advice that you give to others. This is a time to merge with all parts of yourself and become whole. The more you can release your fears and pain from the past, and replace them with love, the sooner you will attract the love and abundance you seek.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Release The Past And Connect To Your Higher Self – By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Messages From Your Angels, Angel Therapy, and Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards, all by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and notice what you feel. Now it is more important than ever to stay positive and believe in your dreams and intentions. The seeds you have planted are beginning to grow and manifest. Be patient and stay true to your vision. Take a step every day towards it, no matter how small. Leave the hows to God. As we approach the Spring Equinox, and higher energies sweep the Planet more now than at any other time, past issues may come up to be healed and released. Perhaps you have suppressed painful memories because you weren’t able to deal with them at the time. Now you are. Ask for help if you need to. Talk to your physical and spiritual Star Family. You will find healing and more of your true self there. This is a time where your Higher Self is merging more and more with your physical self. The more you can heal and release the past, the more of you, you will experience in the present.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Trust In The Process of Your Awakening -By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from the Archangel Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, and the Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards, all by Doreen Virtue. Thank you Doreen! Click on the picture to see, and notice what comes to mind. Today’s message is about being patient while your dreams are manifesting, nurturing them with positive thoughts and faith, and allowing yourself to move into your True and Higher Self and Power, as you awaken to the truth of your Being. Trust and enjoy the process. Stay present in the moment and grounded in your body on the Earth.  Notice and savor each sign of your dreams manifesting and small miracles all around you. Do not allow your happiness to depend on some future occurrence. Slow down and be at peace. Call upon Archangel Jophiel anytime you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and rushed. She  will help you to slow down, see and appreciate the beauty all around you. She is the Angel of Beauty and you are a Powerful Lightworker! Allow the Divine Power to flow through you in loving service to others. You are here to anchor the energies of Heaven onto Earth. Release all that no longer serves you. Continue using the Violet Flame to transmute everything within and around you that is not of Love. You are awakening. Trust in the process.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Expect Miracles – By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, and Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn. Click on the picture and notice what comes to you. Today’s message is about renewed passion and love which creates miracles in your life and in the world. Expect miracles and notice them as they appear, even in the smallest of things. The more you expect, notice, and appreciate them, the more they will appear for you. A miracle for you can manifest as a shift in your perception from fear to love, in the birth of a baby kitty, the smell of a rose, getting your dream job, or meeting your soul mate. Invoke the power St. Germain’s Violet Flame to transmute everything within you and the world that is not of love. “Sit comfortably, take a few deep, slow breaths and focus into your heart centre. Visualize in its centre a Violet Flame, and feel its clearing qualities fill your heart. When the Flame is clear and bright, radiate it out through your whole auric field, until you are enveloped in the Violet Flame. Feel yourself and all beings easing and clarifying in the violet light. Hold this for as long as feels comfortable, then return your focus to your Heart centre.” The written word is important for you right now, whether it is reading this right now, or a book you are led to, or writing yourself. A special thank you to Miss Joanna Fay for the beautiful violet flame visualization.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Peace Is Just A Thought Away -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards, Healing With Your Angels Oracle Cards, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and notice what comes to you. This reading is urging you to get physical exercise. It will help you breathe deeply, bringing fresh air and ideas to help you solve problems. It will also give you energy and relieve stress. Release your resistance and move your body now instead of later. This will help elevate your perspective from seeing conflict and problems to harmonic peace and solutions. Peace is literally just a thought away. In addition to the team of highly benevolent beings who surround you at all times, your Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Higher Self, Twin Flame, and Star Families, you also have Animal Guides who are with you and wanting to communicate with you now. Open your heart, mind, and release any judgements to receive their loving messages.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Focus On Becoming Light -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue, and Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn. Click on the picture to see, and feel what comes up for you. Focus your thoughts. As they pass through your mind, decide which ones you want to choose to engage with. This is important, because your thoughts create your reality, and there are no neutral thoughts. Thoughts contain energy. Decide what energy you wish to bring into your life in this moment and put your thoughts there now. The more you allow thoughts that you don’t want to be in your mind, the more strength they will gain, and the harder it will be to change them. Monitor your thoughts carefully and make a conscious choice about which ones you wish to empower. Allow yourself to embrace joy and pleasure. It’s not wrong, even though there are problems in the world, and people and animals are suffering. The Angels live in joy.  Joy will empower you to bring more love into your life and into the world.  Love heals all and provides solutions, as it connects you to the one mind of God and Divine Intelligence. Release any guilt you may have about enjoying pleasures in your life. Crystals contain powerful healing and spiritual energy that can help you transmute and magnify energies.  We are all  in the process of Ascension and the next step in human evolution. Our bodies are changing from carbon based to crystalline. We are becoming Light. Focus on that.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Trust God Is Speaking To You Through You – By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Healing With Your Angels, Life Purpose, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and feel what comes to you. There are Angels all around you whispering in your ear, guiding your pen as you write, and giving you signs through your body. Trust the wonderful ideas that come to you, inspire you, and fill you with hope. All wonderful ideas come from the One Mind of God, and since God is within you, he expresses his thoughts through your mind. How wonderful! Once again, you are encouraged to write on a daily basis, whether you are journaling your thoughts and feelings, or writing a book or screenplay. Remember, writing is an art, not a science, so it doesn’t need to be perfect. Don’t allow your insecurities and self doubts to keep you from writing. Your writing blesses, heals, and teaches you and others. Call upon Archangel Gabriel for confidence, clarity, and motivation. She will also help you find publishing outlets for your work if you ask. Trust the wisdom of your body, as it is extremely sensitive to subtle energies. Most Divine messages come to you through your physical and emotional feelings. Act upon these feelings without delay. Ask the Angels to guide and protect you. Listen within, everything you need to know is there.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

In Your Eyes -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Angel Therapy Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture and see what comes to you. Today’s song is “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel.

This particular deck often gives you homework and additional steps to take to aid you in your healing and your journey. Our Planet is going through major shifts that may not be apparent yet on an outward level, but internally they are. You are experiencing these shifts because of the spiritual path you are on. The Universal Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. So if your intentions are to be loving and see the Divine in everything, you will draw to you people and situations that mirror this. That is why you may be feeling discontented with your current, relationships, activities, and work. This is a good thing. Affirm that you are now attracting wonderful new relationships, situations, and jobs that mirror your spiritual focus. Give your worries and leave the hows to the Angels for healing and transmutation. Ask to be guided through these changes with love, grace, and ease for the highest good of all concerned. Trust the visions you see in your mind and in your dreams, and the guidance that comes to you. You are regaining your spiritual gifts that we are all endowed with. You may feel love coming to you from loved ones on the other side of the veil or see visions clearly in your mind. These will help you and others in healing. Ask Archangel Michael for guidance and protection,always.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

You Are On The Right Path -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Archangel Michael Oracle Cards, Archangel Oracle Cards, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and notice what comes to you. You are on the right path, keep going. The way God, Angels, and our guides help us is by whispering guidance in our ear. To hear it clearly, you need to quiet all the other noise in your mind. Focusing on your breath in meditation is one way. The Angels applaud you now for hearing and following your inner guidance faithfully. The more you do this, the closer you’ll be to fulfilling your life’s purpose and the more you will feel inner peace. Trust that you’ll be financially supported as you move forward one step at a time. Call upon AAMichael for courage, confidence and clear guidance. As you continue, your true passion will grow and lead and guide you even more. It is safe for you to trust it and take risks. As you continue and grow upon this path, you will be called into greater service. You may feel fear and doubt about your abilities. This is just the ego trying to get control through fear. Keep your focus on how you can help and serve others, and it will quickly dissipate. Ask for a miracle, which on an inner level, is a shift in perception from fear to love. On an outer level, it knows no bounds.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Spread Your Wings! -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Healing With The Angels and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards By Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see and notice what thoughts, feelings, and impressions you receive. Today’s song is “Push” by Sarah McLachlan. Right click and click open link in a new tab to listen while you read the message.

Spread your wings! You are ready. The timing is perfect. It is safe to move forward, and follow your heart and dreams. We are entering a new dimension where the heart rules. Close your eyes and breathe into your heart. This will quiet your mind. Go past your comfort zone. It is where you’ll find what you have been looking for. Surround yourself with the healing power of music in all that you do today. Music uplifts your spirit and  your thoughts so that you can more easily receive Divine Love. You may also have musical gifts. If so, this card urges you to follow your internal guidance and desires. Your musical gifts bless and inspire others. Sing or speak your truth. The throat chakra is an energy center which controls speech, writing, and creative expression. The Angels are sending  pure Divine light and love to you and your throat chakra to unblock your self expression. Allow and receive it.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Just Let Go And Let God -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. The message is about letting it all go and just being. Breathe. It is time to let go of what is no longer working in your life and all the areas that you feel unhappy about. We often hold on out of fear that we won’t be able to ever find something better to replace it. This is understandable after eons of fear-based programming, but it will only make your present situation worse. If you are willing to let go, one of two things will happen: it will either be replaced by something better or the current situation will be healed and transformed in miraculous ways. You are being asked here to release control of the outcome and trust. This is called Faith. You are being guided in your issues concerning power and control. It is important for you to know that you are powerful and it is safe for you to use your power in loving ways. No one else can control you without your permission. You always have choices and options and the Angels and Heaven can help you make decisions if you ask. Ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords of fear from your solar plexus to anyone you’ve given your power away to. Accept yourself just as you are. If you are reading this, chances are you are much too hard on yourself. You are loved unconditionally by Heaven, no matter what mistakes you think you have made in your past. There is nothing you could ever do, say or think that would take away Heaven’s Love for you. Ask to love yourself in the same way, and watch your life transform.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Take A Step In The Direction Of Your Dreams – By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards, Life Purpose Oracle Cards, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, all by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture and notice what comes to you. You are being Divinely guided right now. Trust your gut, intuition, and knowingness. The answer to your question about your career involves focusing your time and attention on a skill that’s related to your heart’s true interests and passions. You can do what you love by practicing it each day. Visualize yourself being successful and do what’s needed to make this a reality. Do something related to your dream each day. Your struggle will soon turn into ease, joy, and freedom. This will allow you to reclaim your true power and take charge of your life in positive ways. Ask Archangel Michael to help you to reclaim your power and cut any cords of fear that are blocking you.


About Star West

Angel Oracle Card Reader & Messenger– I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly.

Whatever The Question Is, Love Is The Answer -By Star West


Today’s reading comes from Angel Therapy and Magical Unicorn Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. This is the 1st time a card (in the middle) literally fell out of the deck while shuffling. Generally in a 3 card reading, the 1st card represents the past whether it’s 5 minutes ago or longer, the middle card represents the present, the 3rd card is the future, which could be  5 minutes or longer. Click on the picture to see and notice what comes up for you. Personally, the middle card brought tears and a lot of emotion for me. My intention is always that these readings will be meaningful, healing, and bring much love and insight to you.

You have a very deep bond with someone who loves you deeply and most likely has crossed over. This person could be a Grandparent, or in my case an elderly parent, my Father. He was 50 and my mother was 25 when they had me! They are with you now and would like you to call upon them for help. They could also have been a teacher or mentor to you. The Power Animal card is a message for you to work with animals, both physically and spiritually. They are wanting to communicate with you. Open your heart and mind to hear them. They are beautiful pure, benevolent beings who are here to raise the vibration of love on the planet. You can meditate in nature to call in your “Power Animal” who acts as an Angelic guide for you. Whatever the question is, Love is the answer. Whatever your situation is, love can heal it. Act more lovingly towards others and hold loving thoughts towards them. You are here to teach about love. This can take many forms, including talking, writing, singing, creating beautiful art, or making someone laugh. Be sure to tell the people you love that you love them.

Surround Yourself With the Voice of Love -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from 3 different decks: Indigo Angel, Angel Therapy, and Magical Mermaids and Dolphins. Click on the picture to see clearly and notice any thoughts and feelings that come to you.

Known as the “Queen of the Angels,” Mother Mary is the embodiment of unconditional love and compassion. Call upon her to feel this same love for yourself and all others. You have come a long way from where you started. Keep moving forward one little step at a time. Open your heart and ears. The answer to your prayers may come through what you hear either externally or within your own mind. Pay special attention to repetitive messages. You can also call upon Archangel Michael with the following prayer: “I now ask you to vacuum and clear any lower energies in my physical ears or ear chakras. I am willing to release anything painful that I’ve ever heard, in exchange for clarity in my ability to hear the voice of love and the Angels.” In order to manifest your dreams, surround yourself with positive people, thoughts, and situations. Stay away as much as possible from negativity. Avoid negative thoughts, news, and energy. Declutter your space so energy can flow freely.

Be Courageous and a Loving Warrior of Light! -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from 3 decks: Archangel Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy, and Magical Unicorns. I love blending different decks together to create unique and rich readings. Please click on the picture to see each card clearly, and pay attention to your first impressions. May your day be filled with so much love and light.

Be courageous and a loving warrior of light! Stand up for your beliefs, even if others disagree. Your example will give others courage to do the same. This is a powerful way to teach and lead. Archangel Ariel’s name means “Lioness of God,” and she demonstrates the qualities of courage, focus, and graceful movements. Call upon her to help you with courage and confidence. You may notice images of lions when she is near. Although you are strong, you are also highly sensitive to energies. The message here is to deal with your sensitivities in healthy ways. Detox from chemicals, drugs, addictive substances, processed foods, harsh situations, and relationships. If you are feeling bored and restless, it’s because you’re doing the same things over and over. This card asks you to stretch yourself and try something new. Step out of your comfort zone. Mix it up!

Love Yourself, You Are An Amazing Soul -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from the 3 decks of: Indigo Angel, Angel Therapy, and Healing With The Angels. Click on the picture to see clearly and notice what thoughts and feelings come to you.

The more you are able to love yourself, the more you’ll be able to love all life and fulfill your Divine Life Purpose. Make this a priority today. You are an amazing soul, that’s why you’re here at this amazing time in Human History. You are a catalyst for change and bringing Love back to this planet. Crystals are powerful healing tools, a gift from Gaia to amplify the power of love and light and can help you. Rose quartz is especially helpful for opening your heart and loving yourself. There is an influx of abundance coming your way. It is your belief and faith in knowing that the Creator will supply all your needs on all levels that makes this possible. Affirm: I now accept my Highest good graciously into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me and all living things, now and forever.” And so it is.

Trust God, the Angels, and Yourself -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from the 3 decks of: Indigo Angels, Angel Therapy, and Healing with the Angels. Click on the picture to see clearly and notice what thoughts and feelings come to you.

You are extremely sensitive to energies right now and you can easily absorb negativity from others. This limits your understanding of your amazing life purpose. The Angels are suggesting that you remove yourself from your everyday routine and connect with nature. You are so much more than what you allow yourself to be. Let the Earth heal, cleanse, and ground you. Honor your sensitivity and avoid harsh situations and unhealthy substances. Avoid self-medicating with chemicals, food, or other addictive substances. Deal with your sensitivities in healthier ways. Detoxify from chemicals and unhealthy food. Believe in and trust yourself. You, like everyone, have made mistakes in the past that may have discouraged you. Trust in God and trust in the Angels. Ask them to help you trust yourself.

Speak Out! -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from the Indigo Angel, Angel Therapy, and Archangel Oracle card decks.  I love to intuitively blend different decks together.  Today, when I pulled the first card, I did it a little more randomly than usual and thought it was a mistake.  I reshuffled and pulled the same card!  There are no mistakes.  Today’s song is from Cat Stevens, “If You Want to Sing Out-”

Are you feeling frustrated with yourself or others?  The Angels in this card are asking you to contribute to the peace of the planet by apologizing.  The main person you may need to apologize to is yourself for not honoring, trusting, and loving the awesome being that you truly are.  It is time to stop being so hard on yourself or others.  Ask Archangel Michael to help you to love and believe in yourself and know that every word you speak, every thought you think, and every action you take affects the entire planet.  You are a powerful and important being.  Visualize success!   See yourself doing what you love and feel called to do.  Visualize what you want to see in your own life and in the world.  Manifestation of any kind begins with a thought and combines with emotion and guided action.  As you create success in your own life in this way, you will be guided to teach others.  You are a spiritual teacher and leader.  Trust in your teaching and learning abilities as your mind is one with the Divine Mind of God.  It is safe for you to be outspoken in your teachings. Speak out!

Manifest Love -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from: Healing With The Angels, Archangel Therapy, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. Click on the picture to see each card clearly, and notice what thoughts and feelings you receive.

Ask your Angels to help you have faith in your ability to manifest.  Manifestation is the process by which thoughts transform into tangible form.  First, they begin as an idea.  Then the idea meets with a feeling.  If the feeling is loving, the idea and the feeling create the embryo of the manifestation.  You nourish your newborn idea by believing in it and by following the step-by-step guidance that God and the Angels give you through your feelings, dreams, and visions.  Love is in and around you right now.  By holding loving thoughts and taking loving actions, you attract and manifest love in all areas of your life.  The only thing that keeps you from love is fear. The more you can release fear, the more love you will experience.  Call upon Archangel Michael to vacuum away fear, “Archangel Michael, I call upon you and your healing Band of Mercy Angels to come now with your spiritual vacuum cleaner.  Please deposit the vacuum hose through my crown chakra and suction away toxic, fear based, or entity energy that I may have absorbed.”  Do this as often as you need.  Be sure to thank him.  “Thank you Archangel Michael for this healing. Please fill me now with your diamond-bright white light to heal and protect.”

Choose Peace -by Star West ✭


Today’s message comes from Angel Therapy. Click on the picture to see each card clearly and pay attention to any thoughts or feelings that come to you. Today’s song is “I Will Remember You” by Sarah McLachlan. Right click on the link and click open in a new link to listen while you read the message.   Notice if the song triggers anything for you. One benefit of mercury retrograde is that it brings up any past issues to finally be resolved and set free.

Call upon Archangel Michael to cut your cords from fear based or toxic energies from past relationships. These can drain your energy and even cause physical pain. “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please cut the cords of fear that have been blocking or draining me in the past. I am now willing to trade all pain for peace. Amen!” Repeat this process anytime you feel drained or blocked, as cords can grow back if fear returns to the relationship. As you continue to shift upward in your consciousness, it is natural that all your relationships and interests will as well. So as your intentions are to grow in Divine love and purpose, you will attract people and situations that reflect this. You’ll also repel people who have unloving focuses. The law of attraction is always in effect. Release what no longer serves you and what you are no longer attracted to. It is a natural part of the process. You are attracting new relationships, situations, and jobs that mirror your spiritual focus. Give any cares, questions, concerns, guilt, and anything else to the Angels for healing and transmutation. Visualize the violet flame enfolding and transmuting everything into love. Your deep emotional sensitivity is a great gift, and it is time to see the positive aspects of it now. Trust and listen to your intuition. It is correct. Honor your sensitivity by surrounding yourself with peace in all your choices.

Vacuum Away -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from the Angel Therapy and Archangel Michael Oracle Cards. Click on the picture to see each card clearly and pay special attention to the thoughts and feelings that come to you.

As we move into higher and higher frequencies of love, more fear will come up to be released. And as a very sensitive person, it is easy to absorb negative psychic energy from others. One very powerful way to remove it is to call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to come with his Band of Mercy Angels and vacuum away toxic , fear based, or entity energy. Visualize a vacuum tube entering your crown chakra. Mentally guide it inside your head, in your body, and around all of your organs. Vacuum every part, all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. As soon as you’re clear, Archangel Michael will reverse the switch so that a thick white light comes out of the tube to fill in the spaces that were holding psychic dirt. It is good to do this on a daily basis. It can be done anywhere, anytime for yourself or for others (just be sure to ask their verbal or psychic permission first.) Call upon Archangel Michael, visualize it and it is done. Be sure to thank him and ask for his white light for healing and protection. It is important to follow up by eating natural and organic foods and practice the law of attraction by thinking positive thoughts. Your outer reality will perfectly mirror your inner reality. It cannot be otherwise.

Healing -by Star West ✭


Today’s message comes from the ARCHANGEL ORACLE CARDS. Today’s song is Angel by Sarah McLaclan. Right click and open link in a new tab to listen while you’re reading the message.

Archangel Raphael is the Angel of healing on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He can only help you if you ask. Then be open to how the help comes. It could come through a song, an intuitive feeling, another person or direct intervention. If you receive any repetitive guidance, it’s important that you follow it. Raphael’s name means “God heals” or “God has healed,” based upon the Hebrew word rapha, which means “doctor or “healer.” You may call upon him to help you or on behalf of someone else as long as they agree. He will never interfere with anyone’s free will if they refuse help. He helps with addictions and cravings, clairvoyance, eyesight, healers, healing for humans and animals, space clearing, spirit releasement,and travelers. Ask him to surround anything needing healing with his emerald-green aura. The crystals that are aligned with his healing energy are emerald and malachite.

Listen! -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from the Angel Therapy deck. This is a wonderful deck for healing, releasing fear, emotional blocks,  receiving guidance about your life purpose and healing your mind and body.  You are constantly surrounded by your guardian Angels and Archangels. However,  because they are governed by the Universal Law of Free Will, they cannot intervene in your life, except in life threatening situations, without your permission and invitation. Click on the picture to see clearly.

Pay special attention to what you hear. This is how the Angels are trying to get your attention. Their messages can come in a number of ways: repetitive songs, an overheard conversation, or words that you hear in your mind. You are not imagining things! The Angels’ messages are always positive and loving. Ask Archangel Michael for help in hearing and clearing your ear chakras of anything painful that you have ever heard so that you may clearly hear their messages.

Archangel Michael is with you right now. He is the Angel who removes fear and provides protection for you and those you love, and gives you additional courage, confidence and strength. If you are in the midst of life changes, ask him for guidance and help in moving forward fearlessly. He can also assist you in finding you life’s purpose step by step.

Most of the Angels’ messages come through your physical and emotional senses. You are being urged to trust your feelings, and act upon them without delay. Your body will tell you how it’s reacting to your job, relationships and all areas of your life. Trust the wisdom of your body and intuition.

Are You an Earth Angel? By Star West


Today’s Powerful Reading comes from the ANGEL THERAPY deck by Doreen Virtue. This is a wonderful deck to use for healing as each card gives you an action step to do. Click on the picture to see each card more clearly.

Are you an Earth Angel? If you are reading this, you probably are! This card comes to you as a response to your question about your Life Purpose. The answer is: TEACH ABOUT LOVE. You fulfill this whenever you’re centered, serene & loving, as that’s when you’re a living example of Divine Peace. You don’t need to say a word, write a book or work as a Healer in order to positively affect others. You just need to be loving and compassionate in your interactions with others. Those who are peaceful teach about Peace, which is the expression of Divine Love on Earth. You also received this card to help you cope with “alienation” issues, which means feeling different from others, or that you don’t belong.Has anyone else here ever experienced this? As an Earth Angel, you are never alone. The Angels are always with you, guiding, loving, and unconditionally accepting you as you are. There are also other Earth Angels living among you, who have similar backgrounds  and experiences as your own. Ask your Guardian Angels to connect you to like-minded friends and they will.

As an Earth Angel, you are extremely sensitive to energies which means that you may inadvertently absorb other people’s energies, which may make you feel tired, drained, unfocused, or upset. It is vital for you to shield yourself in light. This means imagining a bubble of protective light surrounding your entire body and energy field. Also you can ask Archangel Michael to protect you from lower energies. White light is for general protection. You can layer different colors for multiple purposes. Green is for healing, etc.

Earth Angels often are involved with Indigos. You may be one yourself or the Parent of one. I am!  Indigos are extremely gifted, very strong willed and are here to change the existing systems. Many Indigos are misunderstood or misdiagnosed with labels such as ADHD, because of their lightning-fast thinking and intuitive sensitivities. You can help Indigos maintain high self-esteem and a sense of purposeful direction so that they can use their natural talents to help us all.  Call upon Archangel Metatron for guidance dealing with Indigo children.

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