Move Forward into Your Own Power – By Star West ★


You are now coming into your own true power. Your passion is renewed, and you have taken action on the guidance you’ve received. Move forward and make courageous choices that are true to your heart and purpose. Don’t let financial worries hold you back. There are opportunities coming to you beyond what you can now see. You have only just begun to realize your true potential. Stay focused on what you want to create. Ask others who are more experienced for help, including your Angels, guides, higher and future self.  Abundance is at hand. You are moving into the work that you love and came here to do. The more you do this the more free you will feel, and released from the old paradigm. Your family life is becoming happier, whether this is your physical family, spiritual family, or both. Life feels magical right now and you realize how blessed you are. Balance the wisdom of your mind and heart and speak your truth confidently with love. Continue to ask for guidance and wisdom. There is so much help and assistance available to you now. Remember to ask.

Follow What Your Soul Is calling You To Do – By Star West ★


What makes your heart sing? What is your soul calling you to do? Take charge of your life and schedule, and spend more time doing what you love. This benefits everyone, and gives them permission to do the same. Make choices that honor your priorities and support your life purpose. Call upon Archangel Metatron to help you focus and get organized. Imagine a world where we all did what we loved in joy and service to others. You love animals and they love you. Your life purpose involves working with them on some level. Trust your intuitive guidance about ways to connect with the animal kingdom and include them in your life. They serve to open Humanity’s hearts and hold the vibration of love for all. The more you can follow the calling of your soul, do what makes your heart sing, and connect with animals, the more love, joy, and abundance will flow into your life. The source of all abundance is God, and you knew on some level that the Creator would supply all of your needs, before you incarnated here. It is time to remember and have faith that your needs will be met on all levels. Affirm: “I now graciously accept my Highest good into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always.” And so it is.


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Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Be the Change -by Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from the ARCHANGEL POWER TAROT CARDS. Click on the picture to see each card clearly and notice any thoughts and feelings that you receive.

Embrace your passions and follow your dreams. Your creative visions and passions play a significant part in world changes. You may not feel as if you’re ready, but you have prepared for a very long time. You are ready and have all you need to move forward. Keep your heart and mind open to all the possibilities and choices available to you. Don’t get discouraged. Focus within and don’t get distracted by external things. Look at how far you’ve come and how much you have. Be grateful for all the good in your life. Focus on what is good and working and not on what isn’t. Remember, what you focus on increases. Be patient. Your investment will pay off. Wait for the harvest. Don’t be discouraged if all the changes you’ve been hoping for haven’t manifested yet. They are well on their way. Have faith. Review your plans and progress and see where you can make positive changes. Be the change you want to see in the world.

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