Listen To The Call Of Your Soul -By Star West ✭


Today’s reading comes from Healing With The Angels, Life Purpose, and Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.  Your True Self, your Higher Self, your Soul is revealing itself to you and through you more and more each day. It is safe to express who you really are. Trust yourself, your feelings, and your dreams to guide you. Your feelings are the sound of your soul calling out to you. Listen. Your dreams and desires are clues to your Life Purpose. Spend time with good friends sharing your feelings, hopes and dreams. Allow others to help you. Be willing to ask for guidance and support from others.

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About Star West Tarot

Tarot Card Reader, Intuitive Empath, Pleiadian Starseed, Photographic Artist, Reiki Master Practitioner, Animal Reiki Practitioner

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